How To Make WAY More Money Doing Print-on-Demand Dropshipping

Successful print-on-demand business owner is buried amid piles of money. Funny concept image depicting dropshipping success.


In the crowded world of print-on-demand dropshipping, standing out and making substantial sales can seem daunting. Yet, with the right strategies, it’s not only achievable but can lead to significant growth in your business. This guide cuts straight to the chase, offering you actionable, proven tactics to elevate your sales and set you apart from the competition. From targeting the perfect market to harnessing the power of automation, we’re diving into practical tips that will transform your approach and boost your profitability. Let’s dive in and explore how you can make WAY more sales in your print-on-demand business.

Target Market Clarity and Unique Product Offerings

Success in print-on-demand dropshipping hinges on two crucial factors: clear identification of your target market and offering unique products that resonate with them. Here’s how to excel in these areas:

  1. Identifying Your Target Market:
    • The key to impactful sales is understanding who your customers are. Analyze market trends, customer feedback, and social media to identify a specific group whose needs align with your product line.
    • Once identified, tailor your marketing strategies, product designs, and overall brand messaging to appeal directly to this group. A well-defined target market ensures more focused marketing efforts and a stronger connection with potential buyers.Custom canvas wall art mockup in room, template example.
  2. Developing Unique Products:
    • In a market flooded with generic offerings, uniqueness is a powerful differentiator. Create products that stand out by offering something novel or tailoring designs to niche interests.
    • Conduct research to find gaps in the market or explore subcultures and trends that haven’t been widely tapped into. This can involve creating designs that cater to specific hobbies, localities, or emerging fashion trends.
    • Collaborate with artists or designers who can bring a fresh perspective to your product line, ensuring that your offerings aren’t just another drop in the ocean but a distinctive splash that grabs attention.
    • Leverage text-to-image AI tools like Midjourney to quickly create stunning, unique artwork images that will appeal to your specific target market. (See our complete guide on how to use Midjourney for print-on-demand dropshipping).

Midjourney, text-to-image AI generator tool, featuring neon cyberpunk cows for print-on-demand dropshipping products.

By focusing on a specific target market and developing unique product offerings, you position your print-on-demand business to attract a loyal customer base. This approach not only sets you apart from competitors but also creates a strong brand identity that resonates with your audience, leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Leveraging Automation in Business Operations

In the competitive landscape of print-on-demand dropshipping, automation is not just a luxury but a necessity for scaling your business efficiently. Here’s how integrating automation can revolutionize your operations:

Mockup image creation automation, funny concept image showing robot creating mockups for print-on-demand dropshipping while person relaxes on couch.

  1. The Role of Automation in Scaling Up:
    • Automation streamlines repetitive tasks, reduces errors, and saves a tremendous amount of time, allowing you to focus on strategy and growth.
    • It enables handling large volumes of orders and managing multiple aspects of your business seamlessly, crucial for scaling up without compromising on quality or customer experience.
  2. Automating Mockup Image Creation with Photoshop Plugin:
    • Our Photoshop Plugin, ‘Batch-Replace Smart Objects: Automate Mockups’, plays a pivotal role in automating one of the most time-consuming aspects of print-on-demand dropshipping: mockup creation.
    • The plugin facilitates batch-replacing Smart Objects with images from an input folder and auto-exporting each updated image, transforming hours of manual work into a few simple clicks. This not only speeds up the process but also ensures consistency in your product visuals.Batch-Replace Smart Objects: Automate Mockup Image Creation, Photoshop plugin key features overview and usage screenshot.Batch-Replace Smart Objects: Automate Mockup Image Creation, photoshop plugin, before and after demo usage screenshot.
  3. Broadening Automation Across Your Business:
    • Beyond mockup creation, consider automating other areas like bulk product imports into your Shopify or Etsy store, which can significantly expedite adding new products to your catalog.
    • Implement automated email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and keep your audience engaged with minimal ongoing effort.
    • Leverage tools for automated / scheduled content creation to maintain a steady stream of engaging content for your social media and blogs, vital for driving traffic and keeping your brand top-of-mind.

For a deeper dive into automating your print-on-demand business and embracing these strategies to their fullest, check out our detailed guide: How To Automate Your Print-On-Demand Business: Shopify & Etsy on Easy Mode.

By implementing automation in key areas of your business operations, you can significantly increase efficiency, reduce the workload, and set the stage for scalable growth in the dynamic world of print-on-demand.

Rigorous Measurement and Optimization of Marketing Efforts

To ensure the success of your print-on-demand business, it’s crucial to rigorously measure and optimize your marketing efforts. Here’s how you can make your marketing more effective through careful tracking and analysis:

Print-on-demand dropshipping business owner counts money to measure return on investment and profits from marketing.

  1. Tracking and Analyzing Marketing and Sales Data
    • Implement tools and techniques to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, and sales figures. This data is invaluable in understanding what’s working and what’s not.
    • Use analytics platforms to monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns. Understanding which campaigns drive the most traffic and sales will help you allocate your resources more effectively.
  2. Effective Conversion Tracking
    • Conversion tracking is essential to understand how many of your visitors are turning into buyers. Utilize tools like Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel to track conversions from various sources.
    • Analyze the customer journey to identify at what stages potential customers are dropping off and what can be done to improve the conversion rate.
  3. Customer Feedback Collection Techniques
    • Gathering customer feedback is critical for understanding customer satisfaction and areas for improvement. Use surveys, feedback forms, and direct communication to gather insights.
    • Pay attention to customer reviews and comments on social media. This feedback can provide real-world insights into what your customers value and what could be improved.

By systematically tracking, analyzing, and optimizing your marketing efforts based on data and customer feedback, you can make more informed decisions. This approach not only enhances your marketing strategies but also leads to more effective use of your marketing budget, ultimately driving more sales and growth for your print-on-demand business.

Marketing spheres of influence, measuring profitability of segments, concept image.

Implementing Behavioral Science in Sales and Marketing

Incorporating behavioral science into your sales and marketing efforts can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your print-on-demand business. Understanding and using key influence factors such as scarcity, urgency, social proof, and pricing psychology can profoundly impact buying decisions.

Behavioral science in marketing, funny concept image, featuring puppet on strings who can't resist buying your print-on-demand products.

  1. Scarcity and Urgency
    • Create a perception of scarcity by offering limited-time products or exclusive editions, compelling customers to act quickly to avoid missing out.
    • Implement urgency in your marketing through countdowns or limited-time offers, accelerating the decision-making process.
  2. Power of Social Proof in Reviews
    • Reviews are a cornerstone of e-commerce, with studies showing that a vast majority of online shoppers read reviews before making a purchase. They offer authentic social proof, greatly influencing buying decisions.
    • Actively encourage customer reviews on your products and showcase them prominently on your website and social media.
  3. Applying Pricing Psychology
    • Utilize pricing strategies that psychologically appeal to customers, like charm pricing (ending prices with .99), or bundling products for perceived value enhancement.
    • Experiment with different pricing tactics to see what resonates best with your audience and drives more sales.

Consumers crowd around and feel compelled to make a purchase. Funny concept image, depicting print-on-demand marketing effectiveness.

Educational Resources on Behavioral Science:

To deepen your understanding of these principles, consider exploring literature on the subject. Recommended readings include:

By implementing these behavioral science principles, you can craft more persuasive and impactful marketing strategies. This will not only help in driving sales but also in building a more loyal customer base for your print-on-demand business.

Maximizing Resales to Existing Customers

Capitalizing on your existing customer base can be a more efficient and effective strategy than constantly seeking new customers. Here’s how you can maximize resales and upselling to your current customers:

Repeat sales to existing customers, funny concept image with army of identical clones wanting to buy more print-on-demand products.

  1. The Effectiveness of Selling to Existing Customers
    • Statistics reveal that selling to an existing customer has a significantly higher success rate, often cited as being 60-70%, compared to a 5-20% success rate for selling to a new customer.
    • Existing customers are already familiar with your brand and products, making them more likely to purchase again if they had a positive initial experience.
  2. Developing a Robust Backend for Resales
    • Implement a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track customer purchases, preferences, and feedback. This data can be invaluable in tailoring your marketing and upsell strategies.
    • Regularly engage with your customers through email marketing, offering them personalized recommendations based on their previous purchases or browsing behavior.
  3. Effective Upselling Strategies
    • Upselling involves encouraging customers to purchase more expensive items, upgrades, or add-ons. Highlight the benefits of premium products or bundle deals that offer better value.
    • Utilize post-purchase follow-up emails to suggest related products or special offers. Ensure these suggestions are relevant and add value to the customer’s original purchase.
  4. Fostering Customer Loyalty
    • Develop a loyalty program that rewards repeat purchases, such as discounts, exclusive offers, or early access to new products. This not only encourages repeat business but also enhances customer loyalty.
    • Provide exceptional customer service and support to ensure a positive shopping experience. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and make additional purchases.

By focusing on your existing customer base and employing strategies to encourage resales and upselling, you can significantly boost your revenue with a lower cost of sales compared to acquiring new customers. This approach not only maximizes profits but also strengthens the long-term relationships with your customers, which is vital for sustainable growth in the print-on-demand business.

Focusing on High-Value, High-Payoff Tasks

In the realm of print-on-demand dropshipping, time is a precious resource. Applying the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, to your business operations can significantly enhance productivity and profitability. Here’s how to focus on high-value tasks:

Print-on-demand business owner points to money, indicating a focus on high-payoff work tasks.

The 80/20 Rule in Business Operations:

  • The 80/20 rule suggests that roughly 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identifying and concentrating on these high-impact activities can drastically improve your business outcomes.
  • Analyze your business processes to identify which activities yield the most significant returns. These could include specific marketing strategies, product lines, or customer segments.

Prioritizing High-Payoff Activities:

  • Avoid getting bogged down in low-value tasks like endless website tweaks or perfecting every social media post. While these are important, they should not consume the majority of your time.
  • Focus primarily on activities that directly drive sales and business growth. If sales are your primary goal, allocate 80-90% of your time and energy to marketing and customer acquisition strategies.

Applying Brian Tracy’s Time Management Question:

  • Renowned motivational speaker Brian Tracy suggests frequently asking yourself, “What is the most valuable use of my time right now?” This question helps keep your focus on tasks that are most impactful for your business.
  • Regularly revisiting this question can help you stay aligned with your business goals and ensure that you are always working on tasks that move the needle forward.

Average print-on-demand business owner. Funny concept image showing person lighting money on fire, indicating poor time management and business decision-making skills.

By applying the 80/20 rule and focusing on high-value activities, you can optimize your time and resources to achieve greater results in your print-on-demand business. This approach not only streamlines your workflow but also ensures that your efforts are directed toward areas that will maximize your sales and business growth.

Recommended reading: The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch, and 80/20 Sales & Marketing by Perry Marshall.

Increasing Product Prices

Adjusting your pricing strategy can be a simple yet powerful way to increase revenue in your print-on-demand business. Here’s how and why you should consider raising your prices:

Print-on-demand dropshipping business owner with very high prices, funny concept images featuring tall stacks of gold coins on table, caption says: "Is that the best you can do?"

The Psychology of Pricing:

  • Increasing your prices can sometimes lead to a surprising uptick in sales. This phenomenon is rooted in consumer psychology, where higher prices are often equated with higher quality.
  • A price increase doesn’t always lead to a drop in sales. In many cases, customers perceive the increased price as a sign of superior value, which can actually boost the appeal of your products.

Moving Away from Price Competition:

  • Competing on price, especially in a saturated market like print-on-demand, often leads to diminishing returns. It’s a race to the bottom that can compromise your profits and the perceived value of your products.
  • Peter Drucker, a renowned management consultant, famously said, “In a commodity market, you can only be as good as your dumbest competitor.” This highlights the futility of competing solely on price.

Balancing Price and Value:

  • When increasing prices, ensure that the perceived value of your products aligns with the new pricing. This can involve improving product quality, offering better customer service, or enhancing the overall buying experience.
  • Clearly communicate the value proposition of your products to justify the higher price. This can include highlighting unique design elements, quality materials, or exclusive features that set your products apart from competitors.

Raising prices can be a strategic move in your print-on-demand business, leading to higher profit margins and positioning your brand in a more premium segment. It’s about finding the sweet spot where your prices reflect the quality and uniqueness of your offerings, attracting customers who are willing to pay more for perceived value.

Integrating Effective Upsells on the Website

Mastering the art of upselling on your print-on-demand website can significantly boost your average order value and, in turn, your overall revenue. Here are some techniques to effectively implement upselling:

Print-on-demand store upselling, funny concept image depicting grocery cart overflowing with items to buy.

Strategic Product Bundles and Packages:

  • Create attractive bundles or packages that combine related products at a slightly discounted total price. This encourages customers to purchase more items in a single transaction.
  • For example, if you sell art prints, offer a bundle that includes a print, a frame, and a hanging kit. The convenience and perceived savings can motivate customers to opt for the bundle instead of individual items.

Recommended Products Upsell:

  • Implement a system on your website that recommends products related to the items in a customer’s cart. This can be based on past purchases, frequently bought together items, or complementary products.
  • These recommendations should be relevant and add value to the customer’s original purchase, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

Timing and Presentation of Upsells:

  • The most effective time to introduce an upsell is immediately after a customer has decided to make a purchase. At this point, their buying temperature is high, and they are more likely to consider additional purchases.
  • Present upsell options clearly and attractively, highlighting the benefits and value addition of the extra purchase.

Leveraging the Consistency Principle:

  • According to the consistency principle in psychology, once people commit to something (like making a purchase), they are more likely to agree to further requests that are consistent with their initial decision.
  • Use this principle to your advantage by suggesting upsells that align with the customer’s initial choice, encouraging them to enhance their purchase.

By incorporating these upselling techniques, you can effectively increase the average order value on your print-on-demand website. It’s about creating opportunities for customers to enhance their purchases in ways that deliver added value, leading to increased customer satisfaction and higher sales for your business.

Print-on-demand store successfully upselling customers to buy more products.

Increasing Your Leverage & ROTI Through Delegation & Hiring

In the fast-paced world of print-on-demand, leveraging your time effectively is key to scaling your business and maximizing returns on time invested (ROTI). Here’s how delegation and hiring can play a pivotal role in your business strategy:

Applying Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage:

  • Ricardo’s Law suggests that economic efficiency is achieved when individuals and businesses concentrate on activities where they have a comparative advantage.
  • In practical terms, this means delegating tasks that others can do at a lower hourly rate, freeing up your time to focus on higher-value activities. As entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David says, “You can’t get rich doing $10/hr jobs.”

Delegating Lower-Value Tasks:

  • Identify tasks within your business that are necessary but don’t necessarily require your expertise. This could include administrative duties, basic customer service inquiries, or routine website maintenance.
  • By delegating these tasks, you can focus on high-payoff activities such as strategic planning, marketing, and product development – tasks that directly contribute to business growth and profitability.

Low-Risk Hiring Methods:

  • Utilize platforms like Upwork or PeoplePerHour to find skilled freelancers for specific tasks. This approach offers flexibility and is less daunting than hiring full-time employees.
  • Start with small, clearly defined projects to assess a freelancer’s capabilities before entrusting them with more significant responsibilities.

Extending the Delegation Mindset Beyond Business:

  • Adopting a delegation mindset can also extend to personal tasks. Consider outsourcing chores like laundry, grocery shopping, and house cleaning to specialized services.
  • Utilizing services like laundry pickup/dropoff and grocery delivery apps can save you considerable time, which can be better spent on growing your print-on-demand business.

Print-on-demand business owner wastes time on low payoff activities and fails to delegate, example.

Delegation and strategic hiring are not just about offloading work; they’re about optimizing your business operations for maximum efficiency and profitability. By focusing your time and energy on what you do best and what adds the most value to your business, you can significantly enhance your business growth and personal productivity.

Studying Successful Competitors

One of the most effective ways to accelerate growth in your print-on-demand business is to learn from those who are already excelling in the same space. Here’s how studying and modeling successful competitors can enhance your business strategy:

Print-on-demand business owner studies his competitors to learn from them, funny concept image featuring guy hiding in bushes.

Analyzing Competitors’ Strategies:

  • Identify successful print-on-demand businesses, especially those that resonate with your target market. Examine their product offerings, marketing strategies, customer service approach, and overall brand presentation.
  • Pay close attention to how they position their products, the types of promotions they run, and how they engage with their audience on social media and other digital platforms.

Modeling After Success Stories:

  • Once you’ve gathered insights, think about how you can adapt these successful strategies to fit your business model. The goal is not to copy, but to learn and apply the principles that make these businesses successful.
  • Consider the aspects that are working well for them – it could be a particular style of product imagery, an effective social media campaign, or a unique customer loyalty program.

Innovating Based on Competitors’ Success:

  • Use the insights gained from your analysis to innovate and improve upon your business strategies. For instance, if a competitor’s limited-edition releases are popular, think about how you can create your own unique limited-edition products.
  • Always aim to add your unique spin to any strategy or idea you decide to adopt, ensuring that your brand maintains its individuality and appeal.

Continual Learning and Adaptation:

  • The print-on-demand market is dynamic, and successful strategies can evolve rapidly. Keep an eye on industry trends and shifts in consumer behavior to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Regularly revisit your competitor analysis to update your strategies and ensure you’re adapting to the changing market landscape.

By studying successful competitors and learning from their strategies, you can gain valuable insights that can be applied to grow your own print-on-demand business. This approach allows you to benefit from proven tactics while maintaining your unique brand identity and value proposition.

Doubling Down on Successful Products

  1. Identifying Top-Performing Products:

    • Analyze your sales data to pinpoint which products are performing the best. Look for patterns in customer purchases, such as preferred designs, colors, or themes.
    • Pay attention to customer feedback and reviews, as they often indicate which products resonate most with your audience.
  2. Creating Similar Products:

    • Once you’ve identified your bestsellers, consider expanding these lines. If a particular design or product type is popular, develop similar items that complement it.
    • This strategy is based on the principle that customers who liked one successful product are likely to be interested in similar ones.Unique print-on-demand artwork designs, to appeal to a specific target market.
  3. Enhancing Marketing Efforts for Successful Products:

    • Allocate more of your marketing budget and efforts towards promoting your top-selling items. Use targeted ads, social media campaigns, and email marketing to spotlight these products.
    • Create compelling narratives around these products. Share stories about their creation, customer testimonials, or how they fit into current trends.
  4. Driving More Reviews and Social Proof:

    • Encourage customers who have purchased your bestsellers to leave reviews. Consider sending follow-up emails or offering small incentives for feedback.
    • Showcase positive reviews prominently on your website and social media. Social proof can be a powerful motivator for new customers considering a purchase.
  5. Quadrupling Down on Proven Winners:

    • Rather than trying to revive underperforming products, focus your energy and resources on what’s already proven successful. This approach ensures a better return on investment and reduces the risk involved in product development.

By identifying and focusing on your most successful products, you can maximize their potential and drive increased sales. This strategy allows you to build on proven success, reinforcing the strengths of your print-on-demand business.


To make significant strides in the highly competitive world of print-on-demand dropshipping, adopting a strategic and focused approach is essential. This comprehensive guide has outlined key methods to drive more sales and grow your business effectively. From honing in on a specific target market and developing unique products, to leveraging the power of automation and behavioral science, each strategy is designed to elevate your brand and boost your profitability.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your market, utilizing the right tools, and continually optimizing your approach. By applying these principles and focusing on high-value tasks, you can significantly increase your print-on-demand sales. Embrace the insights gained from successful competitors, double down on your top-performing products, and never underestimate the power of effective marketing and customer engagement.

As you move forward, keep in mind that success in this industry requires perseverance, creativity, and a willingness to adapt. By implementing these strategies and continuously seeking improvement, you’re well on your way to achieving greater success in your print-on-demand dropshipping business.


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